Working papers
Breaking Borders: The Impact of Learning on Gains from Trade (under review)
Structural Transformation, Gender Norms and Intrahousehold Bargaining in Sub-Saharan Africa (with Jiaqi Li)
[funded by STEG PhD grant 1286]
Work in progress
Resilient innovation through knowledge diffusion under trade shocks (draft available upon request)
Carbon Border Adjustments and Unemployment in Global Value Chains (with Haitao Cheng)
The Hubei lockdown and its global impacts via supply chains, Review of International Economics,2022, 30( 4), 1087– 1109. *One of the most downloaded papers during its first 12 months of publication (year 2022) on ROIE.
Pre-PhD Publications
Does one path fit all? An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Development for Individual Chinese Provinces. Energy, 2018, 150: 527-543 (with Yu Hao, Hua Liao)
Does government expenditure affect environmental quality? Empirical evidence using Chinese city-level data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 161: 143-152. (with Shengling Zhang, Zhiyi Ding, Yu Hao.)
A reexamination of the existence of environmental Kuznets curve for CO2 emissions: evidence from G20 countries. Natural Hazards, 2017, 85(2): 1023-1042. (with Guangyu Luo, Jia-Hsi Weng, Yu Hao.)
Will income inequality affect environmental quality? Analysis based on China’s provincial panel data. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 67:533-542. (with Heyin Chen, Yu Hao.)
Is there convergence in per capita SO2 emissions in China? An empirical study using city-level panel data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 108A: 944–954. (with Yu Hao, Ming Zhong, Baihe Li.)